Updates based on my 2023 & 2022 Prayer Letters can be found on this page.
December 2023
Genesis Baptist Church had our first fellowship. Tuesday, November 21st we had our Thanksgiving Service and Fellowship. After the preaching service, we had a time of food, and fellowship.
Thursday, December 14th, the evening service was a great time of preaching, and singing. A family came from Poteau Valley Baptist Church in Poteau to participate in the service. We we’re able to sing a congregational song with a lady playing the piano. She also played the invitation song after Pastor Weber preached his sermon. Another lady played and sang a song. Later that night after I got home, I was told that they continued in fellowship well after 9:00 pm.
We continue to go out door knocking. We have had a few people express interest, and it is hoped they will come. The Saturday before writing this prayer letter, we had a couple of people allow us to present the Gospel to them, but they where not ‘ready’ to go though with calling on Christ. Please be in prayer that souls will realize the absolute need for faith in Christ. So many just don’t take eternity serious.
I never thought I would be excited to see a gas meter! As I mentioned in the past, we needed to install a gas line, and the Lord provided. Once the line was in, we had the heater serviced, and it was fired up, and worked – for a couple of days. But after the burner was given a good cleaning, it has worked great since.
For those who have seen my presentation video about the beginning of Genesis Baptist Church, I have made a few small changes to extend the video’s usefulness for a while longer for use in 2024. The revised video can be viewed on my website at https://ferventheat.com/video for those who would like to watch it.
As 2023 comes to a close let all remember the reason for this season, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As 2024 gets under way, let us be found working to win lost souls to Christ. There is no Gift more precious than the gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ. This is the only way to Heaven.
Genesis Baptist Church website https://genesisbc.weebly.com
November 2023
The Lord continues to bless since the last prayer letter, two first time visitors. We also had one Salvation, as a man walking by the church on an afternoon was led to the Lord.
Work on the gas line should begin anytime now. Little flags have been staked out for its planned path, and the land is being marked where present utilities are located. I had hoped to show other pictures, but the actual work has not started at the time I would need to write this update. I’ll try to post pictures on social media at a latter time. The Lord has allowed us to be able to keep the building warm enough to have church as the temperature has not been too icy cold.
As I mentioned back in October, The Wilburton area had its annual Robbers Cave Fall Festival. We were able to walk around town, and give out many tracts, and talk to people. While there where a good number of out of town visitors, I was able to talk to some local people.
I continue to lead the singing, and give the morning Bible study during the Sunday School hour. I’ve been teaching on the life of Christ. This past Sunday involved our role in being busy soul-winning. This series is to conclude after one more lesson. Pastor Weber of course is preaching during the services.
Please be in prayer as we use the King James Bible, and preach and teach the Truth, and for souls to be saved. And that the Lord will add to our numbers and provide people who can become involved in an active part here at Genesis Baptist Church, helping to be a light in Wilburton, OK. The Lord will provide.
We are on both https://facebook.com/genesis918 and https://saviorconnect.com/genesis918 .
October 2023
We have had 1 or 2 first time visitors each week since moving into the building as word has gotten around Wilburton. Some of the other Wilburton area ‘churches’ don’t have Sunday evening service, and we have gotten visitors coming to hear the about Truth as a result. Being we have midweek service on Thursday, this too has resulted in visitors. Some have become consistent.
Sunday Services are going good with Pastor Weber doing the Sunday am and pm sermons, while I lead the singing. He has asked me to do the Sunday Morning Sunday School Bible study. On Thursdays, Pastor Weber gives the Bible Study lesson, and I lead the singing.
The Wilburton area will be having its annual Robbers Cave Fall Festival. This three day event is big, as it draws both local residents and thousands from out of town to this small community here in eastern Oklahoma. We are planning to give out many tracts, and invite people to Genesis Baptist Church, and talk about the Lord Jesus Christ.
We have scheduled the gas company to come connect gas service, then we are going to have a heat and air man come check the heating system, and hopefully get it going. Winter will be arriving soon.
Please be in prayer that the Lord will fill this little building with His people, and others who can come to learn of the Lord, and His Salvation. Pray for souls to be saved. Amen.
You may also check us on social media between the times of these Prayer Letter Updates. We are on both https://facebook.com/genesis918 and https://saviorconnect.com/genesis918 .
Genesis Baptist Church website https://genesisbc.weebly.com
September 2023
Grand Opening Service began with a ribbon cutting ceremony, and sign unveiling. Then moving inside the newly remodeled building we enjoyed our first official service in our building. I led the singing, and then Pastor Ellis preached the opening service of a three day revival. Evangelist Craig Bryan preached Monday and Tuesday night. Ms Bryan sang uplifting special music during the three days. This marked the beginning of regular church services for Genesis Baptist Church here in Wilburton, Oklahoma. We had a total attendance of 65. Some from Poteau, and Wilburton both. The Lord blessed with a salvation during that first service.
Pastor Mason Weber has now assumed the role of pastor, and preaching in all of the services. While I lead the singing. However, he did ask me to do the past Sunday nights sermon. A family came to visit, and have been continuing to attend.
Now continues the task of getting out and inviting people to the newest church in Wilburton. Door knocking, ads in the paper, and on social media, and more door knocking, and giving out tracts.
Please be in prayer as we continue to work on finishing touches to the property, and Pastor Weber as he settles into staying in Wilburton as the Pastor of Genesis Baptist Church.
As mentioned in the past, I’ll be continuing to help here. Later in the future I hope to go out and seek additional support.
The contact information for Genesis Baptist Church is:
Genesis Baptist Church
1104 E Rock Island Ave
Wilburton, OK 74578
Phone: (918) 917-9754
Website: https://genesisbc.weebly.com
August 2023
We are there! By the time some of you read this Genesis Baptist Church will have had had our first service in our own building in Wilburton, OK. As I’m writing this letter final touches are being made.
The 8×4 sign for out front should be ready soon, and I’ll be picking it up to take out to Wilburton, and help to install it into place.
Pastor Mason Weber is excited to soon begin regularly preaching in the newly remodeled facility with the message of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Our first service will be a three day revival Sunday at 2:30 pm with Evangelist Craig Bryan, a ribbon cutting ceremony, and building dedication. Monday & Tuesday we will continue the revival, at 7:00 pm both days. Then we will be going to a more normal schedule of service times.
I’ll be attending the services at Genesis Baptist Church to be a help to Pastor Weber until he can obtain the people to be a help. Later, as the Lord leads I hope to begin the process of actually seeking additional support before the next phase is begun.
Please be in prayer as we look forward to actively working to reach Wilburton, Oklahoma with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
July 2023
Since my last update we have had four first time visitors. One of them works with Bro Weber at his job in Wilburton. Two others who have been coming over the past few weeks starting in June, also work with Bro Weber. The three have taken a real interest in Genesis Baptist Church. Our average attendance has been 19.
Genesis 22:13-14, “And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah–jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.” Jehovah–jireh = God will see to it.
1) The Lord has provided Bro Dalton, and Bro Badallion with New Testament Church Planting. They have come to Wilburton, bringing their skills and tools, to be a much needed help in completing the church house so, Lord willing, we can begin having services in it some time in August. God will see to it.
2) We have received a baptistery. While at this year’s youth camp the Lord provided a baptistery. The group had taken a trailer with them as a means to carry their supplies to camp, and having it allowed a way to bring new baptistery back to my home church that was given by a church not needing it. It has been placed in the Genesis Baptist Church building in Wilburton. This removed $3000.00 from the $22,000.00 we had applied for as a grant from a funding ministry, but we did not quite meet their criteria. God will see to it.
3) Jehovah will see to it. In our mail box Pastor Ellis opened an envelope mailed from a church containing a check for $15,000.00 leaving only $4000.00 of the original $22,000.00 we had applied for. God will see to it.
4) Not done yet. Within this past Sunday’s offering was another $2000.00 for Genesis Baptist Church, leaving just $2000.00 of the original $22,000 we had applied for. Monday morning Pastor Ellis went out to pick up much needed materials and take them to Wilburton. God will see to it.
Bro Weber and myself continue to door knock and place flyers on doors, inviting people to church, and looking for souls to witness to. We look forward to the Sunday when Genesis Baptist Church of Wilburton, OK can begin having regular services their own church building. Amen.
June 2023
Bro Weber has began working a part time job at an auto parts store in Wilburton. This has allowed him to begin staying there over some nights. He has been able to better interact with the people in Wilburton over just visiting there every couple of days. Please be in prayer for Bro Weber, having started a good part time job that is accommodating to his scheduling needs for the ministry work here in Wilburton.
First time visitors: During this month we have had so far two first time visitors. Alex who has come for about three weeks, and Josh visited with us for the first time the Sunday before this update.
I have begun looking to obtain a lawn mower to keep and use at the church building in Wilburton. So far people from Poteau have been making the 45 mile trip to come cut the grass. I’m hoping by the time you are reading this I’ll have found one. If anyone wishes to help regarding this, please contact my home church, or myself in case the need has been fulfilled. The grass just keeps growing, again and again.
In late May I was invited to teach in Sunday School, and preach Sunday evening as part of Missions Month at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Mustang, OK. This was a time to be an encouragement, and a time of encouragement to me. I appreciated getting to meet new people. I want to thank both Pastor Ben Shain and the members of Lighthouse Baptist Church for the opportunity, and hospitality.
There is still the need for both physical, and financial help, as we work to get into our own building. If you are interested, please contact us. See this website at Sending Church for contact information.
May 2023
Bro Mason, and myself, have been continuing to go door knocking. We actually found an entire area of rental homes out by themselves near the edge of the city limits containing nearly 90 homes, not yet visited. I’m a little amazed that we did not catch this area in the past, but we have taken care of it, and all the doors have been knocked! Having noted the positive responses, and those where no one answered, we are planning to visit that area again. Pray for souls to be saved!
While knocking on doors in the neighborhood, we met a man who did not want to talk. He later called my pastor. Pastor Ellis was able to witness to him over the phone. Please pray that he my come to know Christ as Saviour.
Work on the alter area is coming along using stained yellow pine with polyurethane. Pastor Ellis did the work. The Lord has given us vinyl planking that is to be used on the platform area. The pulpit that was built by a man is still in storage at my home church, to be moved to the church house in Wilburton at a later time. We also have obtained some carpet squares at a low price that are to be made use of.
We have put together a list of the numerous remaining details needed, both materials and supplies. It is looking good so far, as we move toward being able to begin using the building for church services. Please contact us if you are interested in helping physically or financially.
Thankful to the Lord. A church in Florida has chosen to be a help with new monthly support. This will be a definite blessing. As I mentioned in an earlier prayer letter, I’m hoping soon to begin seeking meeting opportunities during the week. While I continue to help at Genesis on the weekends until it is time for 100% hand over.
April 2023
Salvation on the Hill occurred when Pastor Ellis took his family up atop Cavanal Hill, here in Poteau, and met a couple enjoying the view. He offered to help them by taking some photos of them, and got to talking, then they received the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. They told Pastor Ellis they live in Wilburton, so he invited them to attend our church, Genesis Baptist Church.
As I was getting ready to go to Wilburton for Saturday door knocking, a man who had been attending my home church here in Poteau was out in the parking lot with another man. Going out to greet them I got to talking to to that other man, and he received Christ as Saviour. Minutes after he rode away on his bicycle, he had a near miss with a large truck on the road ruining the bicycle and clipping him. However, is doing OK. This was both God’s protection from harm, and His mercy of Salvation. He was with us in church this past Sunday, and Wednesday.
A help here at Genesis Baptist, a lady has been attending Sunday service in Wilburton, and went door knocking with us on a Saturday. She drives about 70 miles one way to come be with us.
On April 15th (Saturday) we had a work day at the church building in Wilburton. With help from my home church in Poteau, and from Wilburton. Some went about ‘mudding’ of the of drywall in need, while others (including myself) applied a coat of primer to most of the walls throughout the building. We were also able to replace the side door, which was in poor condition, with a new one. At the time of writing this, we have one wall yet to build, that will include two pocket doors, for the nursery and sound room. One man brought his riding mower and cut the lawn. There will be more materials and work needed. We will be scheduling another work day very soon. Other work continues as we can in the mean time. Please pray.
Please contact us if you are interested in helping physically or financially.
March 2023
My Presentation video may be viewed on this website at the home page.
Work on the building continues with the work on the remaining pluming nearing completion. The doors for the two rooms on the platform, and both restrooms have been installed. The sound room is also making progress with the flooring, and cutting the opening for the window. The actual sound system will come later. The nursery is in the works.
We still have some needs to obtain a number of items to complete the work on the building. If you would like to help either financially, or physically, please contact Pastor Ellis at my home church at (918) 647-3744.
While working to ready the church building for use, we are presently continuing to have our Sunday Service at the VFW. Bro Weber has been doing much of the preaching in anticipation of his future roll as Pastor of Genesis Baptist Church. I’m leading the congregational singing to be a help. Weekly door knocking continues around the Wilburton area. We are anticipating, that once in our own building with a more traditional schedule, other visitors may attend the service as one individual has already indicated (she still has one of our tracts from about a year ago).
A couple of weeks ago, the nephew of one of our members, came in early with her from out of town. He is a young man of 16 years, and has been brought up strongly in a Church of Christ. Before the service Pastor Ellis tried to ask him about his soul, only to hear the classic, “I’ve been baptized.” A short time later, he was handed a Bible (from the BEAMS ministry), and went to ask our Preacher if he could take it home. This was an opportunity to share some Scriptures with him about how salvation is purely by grace, with no works (not even baptism) included. After Bro. Weber preached, AJ immediately walked the aisle straight to Bro. Ellis, and was very ready to quit trusting his works, and trust Jesus alone for the forgiveness of sin! Please pray for him, as he lives too far away for us to minister to him, and has many obstacles to deal with in his home if he takes a stand for Jesus.
February 2023
Average attendance has been 23, with five Salvations, since my last Prayer Letter. Amen.
February 5th Progress Sunday was a success, with 29 in attendance. Due to a scheduled district meeting at the VFW we were unable to use the facility on this day. Knowing this day was coming we made plans to hold that day’s service in our own building. It was a great day. The singing was great, and Pastor Ellis delivered the message. We have since returned to the VFW to hold Sunday services. Their help in allowing us to meet is greatly appreciated.
The push to get the building ready is well underway as we turn our attention to getting the interior ready. If anyone is interested in being a physical help, or helping financially, please contact us at (918) 647-3744. If no one is there to take your call, please leave a message. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please continue to be in prayer for Bro Mason Weber. As the man who will be pastoring Genesis Baptist Church. He will be needing to obtain a place to live in Wilburton. He is also seeking employment in the Wilburton area that will work with his schedule as a Pastor.
My presentation video has recently been completed. Pastor Ellis and myself put it together at the request of a church in Florida, and one in Mississippi, and it has made available to them. It was soon to be needed as Lord willing I’m planning to begin contacting churches in eastern Oklahoma and Western Arkansas about Wednesday visits, allowing me to continue my present involvement in Wilburton. Any Pastors interested my video, please contact me. It may also be viewed on this website.
January 2023
Average attendance has been 24 since my last Prayer Letter as we start into 2023, trusting in the Lord.
Progress Sunday on February 5th will be a time for those in Wilburton to be able to come and see the church building. We won’t be meeting at the VFW that Sunday as they will be holding an event. We will return to the VFW the following Sunday. We are planning to promote this ahead of time to get the word out to the community.
This year’s Church Planting Conference at Heartland Baptist Bible College was a time for various church planters to present their needs and raise money. There where however many more present than there was time to allow all to present their needs. Last year I was called up to present, but not this year. However, the Lord did bless us with some money that will definitely be a help.
Our present needs come to about $10,000 to allow us to continue with the purchase of needed supplies and materials for the building. This would include Complete Sound System, Nursery Furniture, Gravel for parking, Small Baptistery, Carpet Squares, Plank Vinyl Flooring for platform, Concrete Stain, Gallons Interior Paint, Church Sign, Interior Doors, Exterior Door, Church Steeple. You may call Pastor Mickey Ellis at for more information at (918) 647-3744, if you would like to help.
Please be in prayer for Bro Mason Weber. As the man who will be pastoring Genesis Baptist Church he will be needing to obtain a place to live in Wilburton. He is presently exploring options how to accomplish this as he seeks the Lord’s will. This can be a challenge without actual “employment.” Something he is looking into as many possible options want someone to be working for for an actual “employer.” This is a new church with a new Pastor.
Seeking support. In the not too distant future, Lord willing, I’ll be trying to get some nearby meetings. Later perhaps doing a deputation run to try to raise support both for myself, and for the church planting work. As most of those in any missionary work would know, there are times support is lost. This has happened to me, just about the time I had seen the need to get more support. At times we must take a step back, then two or more forward! I’m presently at 16% for myself. Praise the Lord as I have been invited to visit a church in Mustang, OK. in May.
December 2022:
Average attendance has been 26 since my last prayer letter. On November 25th, two men walking by the church building while we work working on it, asked about it. While talking with them, a man’s soul came to know Christ as Saviour. What a privilege to be able to share the Gospel with others, and see it work in their lives!
Since my last Prayer Letter we have had numerous blessings. Evangelist Craig Bryan with the Ron Middleton Mission Outreach was with us for about a week, along with two men from North Carolina, two men from Georgia, and one from Texas. We had pallets of roofing shingles lined up along the side of the building where a trench for some pipes would need to be laid. One of the member’s pickup truck got stuck in the mud, and they went to find a tow truck after they got no answer on the phone. They found someone with a truck in town who came at no charge, and pulled the pickup truck from the mud, and then used his truck to drag the pallets away from the building. Another day someone came from the community, and brought a lift, and raised the shingles to the roof so they would not have to be carried up the ladder. When it came time to dig that ditch, a man went to rent a small backhoe. The man at the rental place brought the machine, and operated it himself, and then only charged us half the rental price, and nothing for his labor. New frames and windows have been installed in the auditorium. New LED light panels have been installed, along with other needed work. After a second electrical inspection we hope to have the electricity turned on. The platform is being made ready for the pulpit, and altar. Where there was only one restroom too small to change my mind in, we will have two comfortably sized restrooms. The Lord gives blessings, and provides!
Please pray for those in Wilburton who have been coming to our services at the VFW. Some have been dealing with Sunday work schedules, and various emergencies. Others with illness. I’m anticipating an increase in visitors once in the new building. People have taken notice to the new presence. Please pray for Mason Weber as he is phased in to be the Pastor of Genesis Baptist Church (This will occur over a period of time). There is much yet to do both with the church building, and prayerfully working to build the church (the people). Pastor Ellis, and myself will be involved for quite some time, and those who travel from Poteau to attend the afternoon service.
November 2022:
Average attendance since the last Prayer Letter has been 23 since my last prayer letter. Also, the Lord allowed me lead to two souls to Christ. One in Wilburton, and one in Poteau.
A pastor for Genesis Baptist Church has been found. Bro Mason Weber has come from Enid, Oklahoma to join us here at my home church, Poteau Valley Baptist Church. He is to be working with us in Wilburton, until the time comes that he should begin serving as the new Pastor of Genesis Baptist Church. We have established a good friendship, and Bro Weber and I will be working together with much of the door knocking, and visiting (I have been looking forward to having someone to go with). Please be in prayer for him as he seeks to settle into the Wilburton area.
The next phase in remodeling is to begin on November 19th, starting with a new roof. This will provide better weather protection, as well as give the building a new look. There will be more work on both the inside and the outside. We will be putting together a list of what materials and items will need to be obtained to continue with the preparing of the building. If anyone would be interested in helping financially or physically, please contact us at my home church. You can find the contact information at https://ferventheat.com/church
Now that I have obtained a better car, I’m hoping to visit with a few nearby churches as the Lord allows on Wednesdays so as not to keep me from attending Genesis Baptist Church while I’m presently involved. As of the time of this prayer letter, I have been scheduled to visit with one of my supporting churches. This will be a chance to meet the new Pastor, and the people. This will be an opportunity to report on the work, and time to preach.
While I do occasionally post updates on Facebook and Savourconnect, I’m posting updates on my website also. This would allow people who do not use the two social media platforms a way to read them too.
Please be in prayer: More people to come to Christ, and to attend services with us at Genesis Baptist Church. Continued financial support for this new church, and my personal support.